About Cape Property Guides.


If you are looking for a great property environment, then the Western Cape, South Africa, is perfect for you from the perspective of price, place, property selection and premium investment value.

If you need a guide to property in the Western Cape, South Africa, then the Cape Property newspapers are exactly what you're looking for.

We attribute our success to the excellent service, response and quality given both to the advertiser and the reader. We ensure that the needs of both are looked after, and that our publications are well presented, well designed and immaculately printed.

What’s more, our competitive advertising rates have made the Cape Property Newspapers the perfect marketing solution for over a decade.

The Cape Property Newspaper is seen as the authoritive guide to buying property in the Western Cape.

With hundreds of listings every week, it simply cannot be ignored when looking for real estate in one of the prime property areas in the world.

Whether it's good value or a premium spot overlooking the sea, the first port of call for buyers, agents and investors alike is to look at our weekend inserts that provide advertising space for the estate agents and private listings.

If you are looking to advertise in the newspapers, please contact us at 021 488 4189/ 4118 or email us at cpgbookings@inl.co.za.

See also the advertising information on this website for the Cape Property newspapers.

We have shown continual progress in design and production, and will strive to continue with our spirit of innovation over the next decade.